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The school principally serves the village of Nantymoel and adheres to the Admissions Policy of the LA (Bridgend County Borough Council). Parents living outside the catchment area who may wish to enrol their children at Nantymoel Primary should consult the Headteacher and LA as to the availability of places.


If sufficient places are available, children will be admitted to the Nursery, on a part time basis, at the beginning of the term following their third birthday. Prior to entry, a home visit will be undertaken to introduce staff to your child in a setting that is familiar to them, this will be followed by a series of 'Stay and Play' activity sessions when pre-nursery children are encouraged to visit the school with their parents/carers to meet the teachers and staff. Children begin full time education in the September following their third birthday; i.e. the beginning of the academic year of their fourth birthday (the academic year runs from the 1st of September to 31st August)


Prospective parents are encouraged to visit the school and may telephone the school office to arrange an appointment at a mutually convenient time.


Pupils transfer in the September following their eleventh birthday to secondary education - usually to Coleg Cymunedol Y Dderwen. 

Admissions Form
